Fitness Tips & Tricks
6 Reasons to Use a Fitness Tracker
You know, it wasn’t so long ago that fitness trackers were limited to your mum walking in to the living room with a pedometer clipped to her waist saying “Look! It counts your steps! What will they think of next?!”...
Two reasons to exercise outside in this cold weather
We’ve all heard about the benefits of raising your heart beat and getting a sweat on in the gym. Classes like hot yoga are booming due to the benefits of working out while the body is hot...
A new year, a new you: Take command of your health
What are your goals for 2020 – have you thought about them? Will it be a new you for this new year, or a new year and the same old you?...
Can Therapy Massage Guns Really Decrease Muscle Pain?
Over the past few years, therapy massage guns have become a popular recovery tool, finding favor among doctors, trainers, professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts...